Case Studies

At MOOD, we're proud of the work we do.

Revolutionizing Personal Coaching with AI and Behavioral Science

In the midst of the AI revolution that has gripped the global marketplace, companies are increasingly turning to digital solutions to address complex human behaviors. Mindster, a cutting-edge personal coaching application, exemplifies this trend. Developed under the leadership of Ed Reardon and built by MOOD, Mindster aims to transform personal coaching by integrating psychological principles with user-friendly technology.

Challenge: The rise of digital tools has flooded the market with solutions claiming to enhance personal productivity and well-being. However, many of these tools fail to address the underlying psychological triggers of behaviors like emotional eating. Mindster was envisioned to fill this gap by providing a scientifically grounded, accessible tool for behavior change.

Solution: MOOD’s approach is rooted in partnership and deep research. For Mindster, this meant collaborating with experts including a tenured personal coach with experience working with thousands of clients, and a clinical psychologist specializing. The development process involved:

Research: Extensive review of medical journals and existing digital tools to incorporate proven strategies, particularly the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of behavior change.

User Experience Design: Conducting UX surveys with initial users to identify key user personas: the Busy Bee, the Emotional Eater, the Procrastinator, and others.

Content Strategy: Collaborating with to develop a narrative-driven curriculum that facilitates  and tracks sustainable behavior change.

Execution: To bring Mindster to life, MOOD assembled a custom development pod led by Colin McCaleb, an U/X designer formerly with Apple. The team included three engineers whose diverse backgrounds were pivotal in designing a robust, scalable application. This initial version is being tested on 4,718 beta users, providing invaluable insights that will shape future releases.
Impact: Mindster’s innovative approach offers multiple benefits:

Personalized Experience: Future versions of the app will tailor content and coaching styles to individual users, making personal development more effective.

Scalability: By transitioning from traditional one-on-one sessions to a digital platform, Mindster breaks the constraints of physical coaching.

Accessibility: Users can access professional coaching anytime, anywhere, complete with video sessions.

Working with MOOD, Mindster is not just a product but a pathway to the future of personal coaching. This project showcases how thoughtful design, backed by scientific research and top-tier talent, can create a tool that not only meets market needs but also sets new standards for effectiveness and user engagement in the wellness industry.


Jean Cozier is an incredibly well-established author, podcaster, and storyteller. Her profound contributions to the mission against childhood sexual abuse, including the establishment of the Judith Dawn Memorial Fund and the Awakenings Foundation, distinguish her as a survivor, ally, and advocate for healing. Jean’s countless philanthropic endeavors and endless creativity necessitated the creation of a digital platform to honor her work and legacy.


Brand Establishment & Growth Strategy:
Our initial goal for the Jean Cozier project was to establish a robust and unified visual identity system. This was pivotal in positioning Jean as a distinguished brand and propelling our company's growth. Our strategy was tailor-made, involving a collaborative effort among our diverse team members, with Nina, our designer, taking a lead role alongside Jean. The approach revolved around crafting a comprehensive visual identity system encompassing design, marketing, consulting, and video production.

Execution & Implementation: Mood Content designed a strategic digital marketing plan that encompassed:

Design & Branding: visually anchoring her brand identity via logo, color palettes, and typography. We created a sophisticated website that would showcase Jean Cozier's mission, work, and legacy to the world.

Marketing & Promotion: a multi-channel strategy, including social media, content marketing, and email campaigns to amplify Jean's brand.

Consulting Services: provided Jean with valuable market insights and strategic direction for a competitive edge. We meticulously curated content for Jean's blog, providing valuable insights and thought leadership on her philanthropic endeavors.

Video Production: Engaging promotional content was created through video production, effectively conveying Jean's brand narrative.

Collaboration: Regular meetings and brainstorming sessions were the cornerstone of our collaborative approach, ensuring seamless integration of all project aspects.

Results: This multi-pronged strategy yielded impressive results:

Total Reach: 68,282
Organic Reach: 8,177
7,000+ Followers:
Our strategic efforts yielded a substantial following on social media platforms.
54,000+ Video Plays: The video content we created garnered significant engagement and views, amplifying Jean's message to a broad audience.


Increased Visibility:
Enhanced brand awareness among business owners, philanthropic organizations, artistic communities outside of IL, and the general public.

Opportunities for Collaboration: With a more widespread presence across social media platforms, Jean’s story, work, and legacy are now in an interactive sphere, connecting her with others who have similar experiences, mission areas, and goals to further the work via collaborative efforts. 

Public Engagement: The increased digital presence helped in reaching a wider audience, with the potential to turn followers into subscribers and loyal readers of Jean’s books.

Jean Cozier is used to doing it all on her own - and she’s done so quite successfully. With MOOD, Jean has been able to broaden her digital reach to those she never would’ve made contact with, and we’re only at the beginning. Continuing to invest in her social media presence with our work as the cornerstone of her brand journey, Jean’s community of followers will only grow in size over time, establishing a group of people brought together through shared experience, common mission area, and interest in leaving the world better than how they found it. 

Enhancing Operational Efficiency at Insure on the Spot

Insure on the Spot, a prominent insurance company based in Chicago, boasts annual profits exceeding $40 million and operates four call centers staffed with 35-50 employees each. Despite its financial success, the company recognized the need to upgrade its fragmented systems to boost operational efficiency and improve key performance indicators (KPIs). This case study explores the partnership with MOOD to overhaul its technological infrastructure and streamline operations.

Challenge: The company struggles with outdated systems including:

An obsolete version of Microsoft Outlook for communications.
Antiquated payment processing software.
Legacy call software "Five9"
Unintegrated applied systems.

These outdated systems were causing inefficiencies in customer service and sales operations.

Solution: MOOD's strategy began with a comprehensive analysis of Insure on the Spot’s operational processes. This included shadowing sales and customer service agents and conducting event storming sessions to map out existing workflows, the goal being advanced system integrations and overall process optimization company-wide.

Key Initiative:

Proprietary API Integration for Call Software:
Developed to create text transcripts and utilize AI to provide actionable insights for enhancing sales and customer service interactions.

As part of the solution implementation:

Collaboration with Internal Teams: Colin McCaleb, a seasoned systems integrator from MOOD, worked closely with Insure on the Spot’s internal IT team and the Director of Operations. This collaboration was crucial to discerning the optimal architecture and strategic pathway for the entire organization.

Data Migration and System Integration: Transitioning to advanced CRM and ERP systems tailored to the insurance industry’s dynamic requirements.

Automation Implementation: Automating routine tasks to streamline operations and reduce dependency on manual labor, particularly in customer service.

ImplementationUnder the leadership of Charles Herman and with the technical guidance of Colin McCaleb, the project team tackled the integration of new systems and the automation of key processes. The next effort will focus on:

Data Migration Strategic Planning: Defining the technological blueprint in collaboration with the internal IT and operations teams to ensure alignment with corporate goals.System Architecture: Establishing a robust, scalable infrastructure that supports current needs and anticipates future growth.

Operational Overhaul: Implementing new technologies and processes to reduce labor costs and enhance operational efficiency.


The project delivered significant improvements across several areas:

Operational Efficiency: Streamlined processes allowed staff to focus on more complex and valuable customer interactions, thereby enhancing service quality.

Cost Reduction: Automation of routine tasks resulted in substantial labor cost savings, contributing directly to increased profitability.

Sales and Customer Service Enhancement: Improved system capabilities led to better sales metrics and more efficient customer qualification processes.

Transforming A Windy City Garage's Business
            With Content Driven Strategy

A Windy City Garage, a reputed garage service company in Chicago, was grappling with traditional marketing methods that yielded minimal results. Hesitant to venture into the realm of digital marketing, they needed a solution that would be both cost-effective and impactful.

Enter Mood Content, with a strategy tailored to address A Windy City Garage's unique challenges.

The Challenges:

Reluctance to Embrace Digital Marketing
: Windy City Garage's traditional marketing methods were failing to produce desired results, and there was reluctance to venture into digital tools and channels due to unfamiliarity and perceived complexity.

Limited Marketing Budget: Crafting a solution that was cost-effective yet impactful was essential.

Understanding Homeowner Purchasing Psychology

Needs and Wants Analysis: Research into homeowner needs and wants revealed that trust, quality, and affordability were key purchasing factors.

Emotional Triggers: Identifying emotional triggers influencing purchasing decisions, such as security, aesthetic appeal, and long-term value.

Customer Journey Mapping: Analyzing various stages of the customer's purchasing journey to create targeted marketing strategies.

Pain Points Homeowners Are Facing:

Trust Issues: Finding reliable service providers.
Cost Concerns: Balancing quality with affordability.
Maintenance & Repair Challenges: Finding lasting solutions for maintenance and prompt repairs.

SWOT Analysis on the Chicago Competition:

Strengths: Established market presence, competitive pricing, strong customer loyalty.

Weaknesses: Lack of innovation in marketing, slow adoption of digital tools, inconsistent customer service.

Opportunities: Growing demand for sustainable and technologically advanced garage solutions.

Threats: New entrants with aggressive marketing, fluctuating economic conditions, negative online reviews.

Undefined Target Audience: A lack of focus on attracting specific customer segments was resulting in missed opportunities.

The Solution:

MOOD designed a strategic digital marketing plan that encompassed:

Low-end Website Creation: A sleek yet affordable website that accurately reflected Windy City Garage's brand identity.

Engaging Brand Video: A captivating brand video that showcased the quality and craftsmanship of Windy City Garage.

Meta Ads Campaign: A targeted advertising campaign using Meta Ads aimed at business owners, leveraging advanced targeting techniques.

The Results: Between June 1st and August 1st, this multi-pronged strategy yielded impressive results:

Total Leads Generated: 108 Qualified Leads
Garage Rebuilds: 89 leads, with a significant margin.
Garage Door Repairs/Maintenance: 19 leads

Impact on Windy City Garage:

Increased Profitability
: A considerable profit was realized through the leads generated.

Brand Visibility: Enhanced brand awareness among business owners and the general public.

Customer Engagement: The digital presence helped in reaching a wider audience, turning prospects into loyal customers.

MOOD’s custom digital marketing approach for Windy City Garage illustrates how even a low-end solution can bring about high-end results. By identifying and addressing the potential pain points of the company, Mood Content provided an efficient and economical strategy that not only generated leads but significantly increased profitability. Windy City Garage's success story can be the success story for your business as well. Partner with Mood Content, and let's build your brand together.